help needed with ghost 13

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by rneaul, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. rneaul
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    rneaul New Member

    I have a Ghost 13 made by Jenkins. The mast cap (?),where the main halyard runs through the block, has deteriorated to the point where it needs to be replaced. Herein lies the problem, since the boat is no longer manufactured, I cannot find a replacement. Does anyone know where I can get this part?

  2. sailfastaz
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    sailfastaz New Member

    Dwyer Mast in Conn.
    you'll need to measure the cross sections you should be able to find something that works.

    or Kenyon

    do a google search for them

    retired rigger
  3. mark in nj
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    mark in nj Junior Member

    same here

    look for something that will fit at

    I used to have one of those boats. It was pretty fun, and very adjustable with the centerboard possitions, although my centerboard never stayed put.

    Good luck, that is a fun little boat. I once did 3 days of island camping on Lake George in NY with a girlfriend on it.

    Be careful of the upper portion of the rudder, mine snapped a mile out from shore one time. That is the only thing that actually broke on mine, but it was very easy to replace that small top piece out of 3/4 cdx plywood. And since I stored the rudder indoors, it lasted just fine, untill the next owner left it out in the weather for a couple years and my repair section rotted.

  4. rneaul
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    rneaul New Member

    thanks for the info
  5. MKSenn
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    MKSenn New Member


    My ghost 13 also needs a new mast cap however, I am not near where it is stored. Do you have the measurements for the cap and have you already found someone that sell them? Thanks
  6. MKSenn
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    MKSenn New Member

    Need Mast cap also!


    My ghost 13 also needs a new mast cap however, I am not near where it is stored. Do you have the measurements for the cap are have you already found someone that sell them? Thanks

  7. rneaul
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    rneaul New Member

    I was able to buy a masthead from Dwyer... anyone know where I can find a rudder/tiller?
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