What you want to think about is how you connect the transom to the cockpit side rails. That is where all of the transom strength comes from. The...
Your boat is plenty stout. Don't overdo it, it's way stronger than it needs to be for 40 hp. 6mm ply with 2 layers of 6 oz cloth and the framing...
There was thread on here recently with a number of problems that were associated with the long pod on the aft end. If the flow under the pod is...
Don't use RTV. Fuel dissolves it. You need a sealant that is fuel proof. The proper way to seal the crankcase halves is to open up the block...
A hydrofoil is going to be the best solution. Here is one. That's for sure the most efficient way to move quickly across the water by human...
If you were to swap the powerheads, assuming that they fit you would need to also change the impeller and stator to get a workable setup. That is,...
The forward foils are within the two hulls and the aft foils stick out from the inside edges of the hull on a Hysucat. The aft foils tend to be...
Google Hydrofoil Supported Catamaran. If you want to go faster more efficiently that's probably the best way to go.
The curves look right. You're seeing the effect of going beyond hull speed and that's why the resistance spikes. That's normal.
What is the estimated weight of the basic hull (not including motor or occupants). And how fast do you expect this rig to go?
Exactly. While the lift is higher at the leading edge of the planing surface, The LCG has to be over the planing surface and not ahead of it....
There are several issues here. First you need to move all weight aft and use outdrives or V drives to get more weight aft. To get any 20 meter...
Wow, somebody went at that with way way too rough a grit. The problem now is you're going to have to work your way down from where you are now,...
Of course you could go with hydrofoils. That's really the only way to get past the hull speed limit with a short hull. Here's a link to the...
If you want something removeable, then turn the boat over, cover it with a thin plastic like Saranwrap or packing tape. You can then add foam to...