Hi all, How high above the waterline should davits (or, really, a dinghy's bottom) be? It is understood that dinghies can only stay in davits in...
To be perfectly honest, for that size of boat, I'd just use a 10hp high-thrust outboard. Regarding designs, I am going simple, starting from the...
I guess I have a lot to learn about propellers. I thought a craft with a similar speed would be fine, even if not optimal, with the same propeller...
Just going on what the Indian shipbreaker said! The engine comes with transmission, shaft and prop. Am I way off in the propeller dimensions?
You're right, at this point I'm just trying to establish that it's possible. In the end I may just get a 25hp "high thrust" outboard, but I'd...
I think I could find a self-lubricating stainless steel U-joint. Maybe with ptfe bushings?
This is actually a really good starting point, thanks! Doesn't seem so hard to whip up. There must be stainless steel universal joints available...
Hi all, I am designing a displacement motorsailing barge with a draft around 1 foot. I would like to use a lifeboat diesel around 30hp, which...
OK. I don't really have the capacity to calculate this accurately, but if this effect starts to manifest itself, I'll move ballast around. This...
Ah! I think I see. Roll period will be the same, but forces will need to be applied for longer, or with greater force, in order to induce...
This is great stuff, thanks!
Hi, I am designing a sailing scow. I know the theory of CG and CB and metacentric height, and resulting roll period. However, differing...