imrankhaled: I believe that the US Navy is beginning to use ABS to class some of their high speed vessels (though not fully--they are only...
Hi Andy, Thanks for your effort. I'd be quite keen to get those renamed rules from you if you've already taken the time to go through and rename...
Brent, It's available at the link mgp posted. It's close to the bottom of the page. Thanks very much to mgp and Tad for those posts!
Just in case you haven't seen this thread --> I'm no professional, but doesn't it seem...
Thanks very much Brent and Tad... I hadn't heard of Prof. Gerritsma before, and I will certainly get those papers. Cheers for that :) Wolczko
Thank you again to all of you for your suggestions. I have seen a couple of these before, and I agree that these are good sources. I will look...
I agree with Water Addict. Especially with something up to 4' long... You'd have to use something a good bit bigger than the rolling hills...
Another thing you have to consider is that solids, even in a very fine powder, will not deform the way a liquid will. Any resistance encountered...
Thanks very much for all of your advice; unfortunately I am not quite in the market for a boat, however. I am actually thinking along the lines...
I was wondering if anyone knows of any kind of hullform database-type resources pertaining to cruising sailboats. Even a good website with some...