Hi squid-didly, Very good point, l remember one time, l was working off the Babel's, when the gas line to the fridge broke and leaked some of the...
Hi Everybody, Allow me to say thank you, To all that have contribute, l have learnt a great deal from this, your input it has helped me ask the...
Hi Everybody, Tunnels l throught that this was a boat hull forum, l did realize that this was a site to redicual persons that were seeking...
Hi every Body, Firstly, l have sent the Haines Group chairman, a e-mail to say thank you for the new boat. Just to let you...
Hi Sub-Tom & Pistnbroke, Went to the MercuyMarine.com, site and entered all my boat and prop details, and it spat out that l need a Mercury Lazer...
Hi Sub-Tom, Went out for a run today, by my self took it up to full RPM and got prop spin. an alarm went off when l reached 6000 RPM. Regards...
Hi All, l Have a new boat, 493 f Haines Cubby Cabin, it has a 90 HP Mercury OPTY Max with 18 deg prop, it pulls 60 kph top end, when l had my old...
Hi Frosty, No jokes come on. regards Wheelybin.
Hi Tunnels, Here the thing, the only reason that we are hear is because we had an issue with current boat, l gave them (3) choice, Fix the...
Hi All, The new boat has arrived, But i'm not happy, (1st) with the over night canopy that they have made (Haines) to replace the one that l had...
Hi, Here go's posting a picture, Everybody here's a picture of the old girl that has been around the world and back , The Location is Lake...
Hi, No problem, i'm in front, Going to try and post picture of old boat. see how we go. Regards Wheelybin.
Hi, Had a look at the YouTube link, different l must say, looks like fun thou. Your question did you mean to say, Is it one that l can take back...
Hi, my weight is 113.7 Kgs l stand 6'2" high, Not that big. Regards Wheelybin.