Oh I see a battery charger is plugged into a inverter which is connected to the Main Battery!! The problem here is you need the Mr Fusion to tie...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX6oR13qUv8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd8-VlFKyHk&feature=related
I know what you mean,Kuwait was 14% LOL things dried out there!
Yes, I have spent most of my career in So Florida it is always above 80% Humidity, And I keep a meter handy,you would really be surprised how fast...
Spray? You can Brush the first coat of inhibited gelcoat on, then hit it with a 8" DA.
Wood keep it covered until you use it especially Balsa, you can watch it curling against the scrim. With the esters, I had a host of inhibiter's...
We have dealt with this all our careers and learned long ago how to deal with it.
Give it a go,your resin is not contaminated with binder so it is half way in place before rolling and the laminates are crystal clear,speaking of...
Do a test with your resin system.
I agree with mark,Epoxy is the only way to go.
I Always had huge Industrial vacuum systems in my shops and was bagging in the early 80's anyway,started Infusing @ 1990 using it to fix glitches...
Right and Gelcoat is still the standard finish on production boats,So spray Equipment is involved and that requires mat backup , Skinout ,Check...
Tunnels, same here,I used Venus most of my career and never had a problem,The 80 Guns were a pleasure to use fit the hand perfect and the manually...
Gelcoat is cheap and gets you up on a fair surface,Then you can go anyway you want,If you are going for gelcoat finish, a little gelcoat mixed...
Do not put any wax in the last layup,we generally use thickened gelcoat to get off the glass and start sanding in prep for Gelcoat or Painting.