JonathanCole You sir, are amazing. Superior data to work with. Can you tell me what your solution for corrosion is? One of the issues I...
If I gave the idea that I was really set on this idea of a barge, I apologize. I threw the barge idea out the window a while back. That was just...
True, true. I can definitely see your point there, but me offering advice about solar, and how to make a boat that I haven't even made myself yet...
(sigh) rather than take the opportunity to give me another boat type you just took the opportunity to throw another pointless insult my way. Real...
Agreed. Lil too heavy I think, and yes I was thinking about wind too. Noah's Ark eh? Thanks very much. I'll look into it!
Very well! I can see the only way to do this is to just make it happen and then post pictures / videos / stats. I hope that in a few years I can...
You know, when it comes to boat design, that is just it, it is a design. You have to be willing to change requirements to get the optimum trade...
In answer to your question, I might actually be able to get you 10M dollars if that's what it took, but it won't, and quite frankly I'm not...
Wow. Some of these people... so discouraged. So unhappy. So negative. Let's not have unhappy lives. Here are some happy pills! Let's all smile!... and Yes, YES! These are the kinds of numbers and stats I need for my research!... and Yes, YES! These are the kinds of numbers and stats I need for my...
(sigh) more criticism saying it's impossible. Look let me tell you how it COULD be done for certain right now: Sailboat + solar panels on top....
Look, you let me worry about the power and engines. Just give me boat types with lots of flat top space. Also, who said anything about...
Look, you guys... JUST criticizing me isn't helping. If you are going to criticize, give constructive criticism with alternatives too. Take...
I am looking to modify a boat, and I need suggestions on boat types to start with. Without getting into too much detail, I need a large flat...