Just got done clicking around on there for an hour or so. Really neat tool but not sure that will be able to help me unless I am misunderstanding...
I've never used that before. Thanks for the recommendation. I will play around with it today.
Quick background on my question. I am a current Naval Architect/Marine Engineer working for a design and consulting firm. My entire experience...
This book is also on my wish list. Have heard many good things about it. Great idea, will be purchasing all three for my reference. Thanks for...
David, Thanks so much for the references. I actually purchased Dave Gerr's The Elements of Boat Strength yesterday and Performance by Design is...
I have tons of personal boating experience.. Have been on boats since I was born and have averaged 5-10 days on the water a month for the last 10...
Hello all, Have been reading the forum for some years now but haven't posted until now. A little background info on myself. Have a Bachelor's...