Shipboard batteries HAVE some mechanical agitation! BUT my home-backup 12V batteries?? Should I periodically move them / tip back & forth?...
Hi Angelique, Hey, we didn't have such a dumb idea after all :-) This is a type of "magnetic Latching Relay" but I have never seen one like that...
Angélique this is a good idea. Back in a previous century I was a Broadcast Engineer. Some big transmitters had a current overload relay that...
There ARE Normally-closed solenoid type relay. But the system would have to have power from the "other" batteries to disconnect a battery. And...
Hi CDK, I had same kind of problem with my RV batteries. I found the original charger did a poor job of managing the batteries. Also it was...
Good idea: any elegant solution I can think of (So Far) has to handle the difficulty posed by conventional fuses. Fuses need to blow if a battery...
The 'best' answer probably depends on your physical layout and if you are assembling a new system or upgrading an old one. A new system, I...
Hi Everyone, There are lots of things that have been "Done that way" for decades, and "usually work fine".. But there is physical reality...
Online Info It's been a while in this thread! Reminder about this page some of us put together quite a while back:...
Hi Fred, What I have always used is the cheapest 100% Ethyelene Glycol antifreeze in Walmart etc. That has the least "additives".. Some...
Looks like a good approach. Usually cost VS capability is best with commonly-used devices. Highly important that the exact same devices are...
In the spirit of "Humans are only off-topic when they're dead" : Sorry for the long silence; I really love the boats and I'm about to build a...
Also, think about taking advantage of the many new types of LED lights. Don't only replace the lights that the original designer thought of, with...
Oh, now that makes sense. Hmmmm. Thanks. I can easily do some different duty cycles with an Arduino, and I'll try it out.