Keep pulling together the SoR.! I'm without internet now but still check in every now and then. Gyroscopically the main issue to look at is the...
I think it would be appropriate at this stage for you to post a clearly defined SoR (including priority hierarchy or weighting) , as well as your...
Like i said it depends on the mass and on the mass as a proportion of the total. But by the sounds of it (30' CC!) it will not be negligible.. And...
Par , had never thought about the similarities pinnace / pinky I was surprised by the pic posted by V North. To me that is a rather unusual pinky...
Wind powered boat with wind energy storage I'm glad to have stumbled across this thread. As it happens i have been in the preliminary stages of...
I might add here an appropriate anecdote; A really rich guy who was a mad keen fan of the "Star" class (i believe this all happened in the med)...
Addendum; I should maybe add that i have designs at various stages of completion that span the spectrum from tricked out diesel dragster, through...
I hear you Rwatson. Clients wishes are the priority. All too often however the client has his judgment clouded through an overdose of sailing...
@ M Pierzga; «Scientific instruments were fitted to record panel deflection from slamming. The results were far in excess to what was...
Too true! I find the most common is the "beef-it-upper" («can't hurt» he thinks) , not realizing that the heavier it is, the greater the loads,...
Yes , those much hated "improvements". Oh boy. I had one and just could not talk him out of his changes (mid build) . It still turned out good,...
Ilan, so that means commercial boats which pass class standards are "risk free" for the ME, am i right? Lawsuits in the US makes one think it...
Interesting replies. All is never quite as it seems.. The boat i meant was indeed Team Phillips . Got it mixed up. However the media reports...
Tad ; It's really tragic when "lawsuit mentality" gets to that point, paralyzing actually. I'm not too sure how one can constructively make a...
Tansl could you please elaborate more on how you would define the responsibilities of each. That is exactly the kind of thing i was hoping we...