Look at the title
2 extra beers and you won't notice it. lol
Fast Fred, Check item 222382441553 for a gas powered blender on e-bay
Try taking the numbers on the boat to the DMV and they might look up the title.
I like the NH 855 Cummins. I have seen these engines with 25k hours and still going. Parts are everywhere. Horsepower 220 to 450.
Screw a manual gauge in the block where the electric sender is located. If it is still extremely high the relief valve on the oil pump is stuck....
We had a work boat with a single 4-71 with a gear box with 2 output shafts and 2 IO drives. It worked great.
Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on to a friend that is trying to repair an old bass boat.
No gonzo, This stuff is mixed and poured into a rotten stringer that has been opened on the top and most of the rotten wood has been removed.
Does anyone have the name of the material that is used to fill stringers? It is a 2 part system that you mix and pour into the cleaned out stringer.
Operating a flat bottom boat of that size is usually done with the engines and not the steering.
A single engine would never handle this boat in the wind and current. Steering would be ZERO.
Try 2 250 hp Outboards.
Thanks for the info. The boat will be used for long distance cruising on inland US waterways. Speed is not an issue but, quiet sound is what I am...