Strange that in Germany are interested in Autonomous water vessels. Maybe you look for this shape? aXatlantic: Ocean Drone Project › CAESES...
This is the drawing from the student project.. Who wants to develop it is more than welcome...
Numerical investigation of flow around an appended ship hull DTMB 5415 Using hybrid viscous solution with potential flow free surface utilizing...
Yes I am alumni. You can see the level in the master thesis there: For more contact ask the coordinator: Prof Phillipe RIGO
It is amazing you will find what you are looking for there! Visiting different best places of ship expertise in Europe. You should definitely go...
Hey guys long time no see... So about the modeling one Russian guy made who make exact models of big ships very nice video tutorials for Rhino:...
I am interested, we are working in similar project with my friend....
Something that I've setup for you quickly you can join:) for open knowlage base website about naval architecture... Collaboration project: free...
I agree. My answer will be user friendly. I am using both programs, but it is hard to change something in Rhino you need program language skills -...
Lets gather all possible Excel spreed sheets, about naval architecture. I think this interactivity will help for better understanding the subject..