Well, looking a lot better than when hauled out, very nicely done, I think. It is filled, and smoothed and has a gloss. Just as a final skim layer...
This entire bow area is going to be overcoated with 3M 5200 and that stretchy black nylon fabric. Worms wont ever find any access to wood.
Freezing cold in the teens, and we had couple snow storms, marina was icy and snowy for a week. But today 53, and the place is drying out, so I...
I would use Nylon cloth instead of dynel or xynol, it's going to be a lot cheaper I think and Nylon cloth is also abrasion resistant. I am talking...
More done today, finish splined both sides of bow planking. Sanded and smoothed the stem bow repair, its looking real nice. Next step finish the...
Did get some thin oak on the starboard side lower stem, but it's been super cold, windy, and snowy. This coming Monday maybe can get out there. We...
Very cold and windy today. Ground down the filler oak and splined a section of planking both sides. Then I smoothed and filled where planks meet...
Glued in some missing pieces around the plank ends, which were like that for decades. [ATTACH] etc... [ATTACH] Will be splining these large...
I used a 1/2" steel rod with a very sharp flat 90 degree tip and a fast rpm drill and forced that thru the holes. It ground away the wood, turned...
20 years ago, I had that splash rail off and the bronze screws looked decent. However today they show a lot of corrosion on the heads and several...
Today used grinder to shape all this new wood. Got it looking pretty decent. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Will work on this side next day. Glue in some...
Glued on white oak strips to lower outer stem port side. Filled it out nicely. And drilled the 3 bolt holes on front. I ran into an issue with...
Glued on the final piece I have some trimming to do. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
one more topper piece to attach, drill holes attach last piece drill holes then carve, grind wood back to match stem angles add more wood to...
Next section glued and screwed I use painters tape to help keep PL adhesive smooth as it cures. Stuff likes to bubble. Makes a very nice smooth...