Mydauphin - amazing! I gave up on this thread after posts #18 and #45..... Looks like the discussion has advanced a bit, but - really - don't...
Captain Schettino greatest dis-service was NOT running the ship into an island; was NOT flubbing the evacuation process. By appearing (after...
You asked for some feedback; here is mine: First, perhaps you could provide a bit of information about your experience, requirements, and... [IMG]
Nice looking boat, but I don't see how you'd get that mast up, even with a couple helpers! I keep hoping an Insolent will get built - a sixty...
I am a bit late to this party, but have a suggestion: It's not in production, but the Bolger Insolent 60 seems to fit the criteria: 60'...
Sure, a boat rotisserie is real convenient. The only complicated part is the bracket to secure the stem and transom to the "axle". It was...
If you have a metal hull, just weld half-pipe on the INSIDE of the hull, anywhere you like, below the waterline. Make a single, continuous loop,...
AWESOME BOAT! What kind of cargo will you carry? Deck seems kinda small? But then, I think in terms of building materials.. Sorry I can't...
Take a look at Hoyt's latest rig: Good values at this site - quality on some items can be spotty, but I had a generally good...
[IMG] I'm not sure that this 14' "pocket cruiser" would qualify as a "yacht" in most peeple's minds. And given the advertisements and out-of-the...
Most or all of the Hens were by Reuben Trane. Good information is available on the Yahoo HensNest group ....
I'm no expert in getting dinghies up on a pilothouse roof (but why should that stop me from offering an opinion?;) ) Seems to me the hull...