Seiners catch fish by circling a school of fish with a deep net - the bottom of the net is then closed off (I think it is called "pursing") then...
I worked with a guy many years ago - one of his favorite sayings was "I measured it Three times and cut twice and it's still too short!"
The kites that kite boarders use have some inflatable sections - add stiffness and when they do land on the water they float -yes the lines in the...
At least if he keeps it up he won't reproduce any more
I think Mike Plant was disqualified many years back with a similar event - went in to fix boat - anchor drug and he accepted some sort of help to...
sctpc, Not funny at all - some years ago now - one of my best friends was hit head on by a drunk driver and killed - drunk was going the wrong...
REI has 33 listed online - many by Garmin - Looks like battery life in GPS mode might be a bit short
I think the rule of thumb is for boats under 20 ft if my memory is correct (I teach boating safety) when ask about the rule of thumb I usually...
At Pearl Harbor many of the ships sank straight down - so when the Japanese did the recon they did not think as many of the ships had been sank as...
be extra careful with the saturated part - the end grain Balsa will suck up resin like crazy so keep an eye on things and add more resin to any...
Make sure you have a compass with you - if it turns foggy turn to shore using the compass
It's mold release agent - makes parts come out easier - keep things from sticking to the mold
A positive displacement suit would keep the fumes at bay - I have had to use them a few times - the temperature that catbuilder is talking about...
If the macerator pump discharges overboard then it needs to be able to be locked out to meet Coast Guard and many state standards for no sewage...
You should be able to match the ABYC color standards with good quality wire - Ancor and others make marine wire in all colors and sizes - please...