Hey all, Very rusty nav arch/boatbuilder here working on a personal project to convert a keel stepped mast to deck stepped. I need to calculate...
huh... so it's rigged like a ketch: Aquijo - Future Fibres But, both masts are the same size with same sail area: "Her twin carbon fibre masts...
good point re stays, also as suggested in HJS's post - the mizzen sail area is (or maybe) smaller than the mainsail
That could make sense - sail area combined with mast height. Do you know the mizzen sail is smaller?
S.Y. Aquijo is promoted as the largest ketch in the world: Inside 86m Aquijo: The largest ketch in the world (boatinternational.com) The...
Chris -PM'd you,
Well theres a bunch of leads to follow up on - Thanks for your help. Mr Efficiency - yes it is just a general description of the principles I'm...
Hi Ad Hoc, "...but not out for a while yet.." - well not with that attitude! Anyway, its been 24 hours or so now, you done yet? ;)...
Hi Alik, Thanks for your reply, your paper does sound like what I'm looking for. Unfortunately I cant wait for the publication... Any other...
Hi All, Can anyone make recommendations on literature regarding multihull design? Ideally I'm interested in finding some book that is widely...
Hi Weinstein, The guys above are right - there is a whole lot more (before and after) to 'designing' than drawing a hull form and then a...
Yeah, that's about what I figured. The sister ships had the same rudder/transom geometry, but no dynamic instability. They must have been at the...