I managed to get a copy of the handbook, and I'm reading through it. The displacement speed formula gives me an estimated speed of 3 knots, which...
Where did you get these numbers? I haven't really found any info on how to calculate this kind of thing, so I was just looking at other steam...
Hah, I was literally working on another set of blades today to upgrade to a four blade prop. I was considering trying surface piercing out first....
I'm really not here to answer endless confrontational questions about my boiler and it's safety until everyone and their grandma has been...
Yeah I don't like how that first try turned out. I'm gonna take them off and redo it in nicer wood with routed edges and seal or stain them before...
The boiler is well and good, 2x hydrostatic tested and all the proper things. I am an engineer myself and am very familiar with the relevant ASME...
I spent the last year or so building a steam engine with the intent of building a land vehicle. However after several bench runs, I decided that...