After a few combined hours of searching, my friend and I have failed to come up the the boom measurements to repair his boat. Can anyone help with...
lol, now THERE is a stunt you can point at whenever the word "cheater" creeps upon your lips. ... They may have followed the LETTER of the rules,...
hmm, when it comes to building boats, I'm more a a wood+GRP or foam/honeycomb+GRP guy, but in another lifetime I did a LARGE amount of cement and...
That one defo looks like an iceberg catcher to me...guess they're working on the S.S. Titanic again :P Honestly, my guess there would be either...
Your cat heels too, just in a different way than a monohull. In a cat, you have to watch the hulls. The more heeling moment, the deeper the...
the 8" gap will be better than having only a single hull, but not by much. I'd recommend upgrading it to, say, 5'x15'x8". That way you could...
Hey, 10^6 Swords; You're right, it IS starting to look a bit like a boat now; looks like the chines are going to be quite hard, but that's ok....
OK, thanks for the clarification, Alan. ...From my first reading of your post, I thought you were implying that 240v equipment would "simply not...
I agree with Alan 98% here. The one (and only) thing I disagree on, is that 240V (split-phase) equipment, IMHO, should work regardless of which...
Yes, I was referring to 240VAC split-phase as "two-phase" for ease of explanation. The point of my labeling it as such was to illustrate the...
I'm not much of an expert on spectra, so I really can't compare the two that well, but isn't spectra FAR more expensive than kevlar? If cost is no...
EXACTLY Actually, there are a few things that can be done (usually in some combination) to move your CB fore. You can: Narrow the stern &...
*****oops***** ...I just looked at that linesplan looks like I posted the WRONG PLAN...the posted plan shows an 18" draft, 30' LOA...
Actually, the transoms are wet because it was a 2 hour redesign from a canoe stern that just didn't have the properties I wanted. I'm not...