Thank you, Remmlinger. And thanks for posting all the material on your website. Took me a few days to get through it!
Yes, that's what I figured. Thank you. This makes intuitive sense to me. Do you happen to know of any articles or resources that discuss this...
I accept this explanation completely. Very helpful. Your sketch passes my 'intuition' test for what that's worth (probably not much!). But...
Yes, I see the point. If the clew of the A-sail is far enough apart from the staysails, then one does not need to worry about interference. In...
Sorry, not quite following... Do you mean all the sails should run in parallel... which I don't think makes sense because the point of multiple...
Yes, I can imagine how the small staysail improves attached flow on the main... but the key, as you say, is that it must not disturb the A-sail...
Thank you, both. Super helpful. That Handley Page diagram has always seemed like the Rosetta Stone to me. To the sailor's eye, it's easy to...
Thank you, Doug. Somehow it comforts me to think that empirical approaches have their place! (I also take to heart your comment about modeling...
Thanks, helpful stuff. Somewhat clarifying, although I find myself thinking in circles a bit. Slots and shape of slots/overlaps don't...
I'm working out the sail suite for a Class 40 under construction, and am wrestling with a problem that seems to bother no one but me. The problem...