I am searching for an article on a tabloid cruiser DIANE designed by Wm. Garden. She is design #605 and is 18'6" loa. very similar to his Vashon...
I spent a lot of time there in the early 90's, fun place, is "Charlies Bar" still in existence??
I believe Bernard Rhodes is still alive and lives on Waiheke Island Auckland. He would be the man to speak with.
I did not know Bertie had been on a circ. voyage. Does anyone know how to connect with Peter now??? That boat was his home for many years.
Hi Angel, thanks for that post, I had forgotten that it was so far back in time. I do hope Manie regains his interest in the wee boat. Angel, a...
Thanks Angel and Wynand, I am afraid I won't be calling anyone, my poor little phone costs $1 per minute so I do all talking with my fingers...
where has manie gone with his around in ten boat?? I have not seen any posts here for some time now. I have been following Sven's progress but am...
Thank you Caro Brooking, a most interesting post and history. I do not remember "REVIVAL" but have heard a lot about her. I shall forward this...
JosD , "SEAGULL" was lost on Elizabeth Reef, Wide Berth Islands out from Mimiwhangata. Beau lost his life when his tug "TIKA" was rolled...
Pacific Jim, you are being fed a whole lot of drivel and hot air here, I hope you can ignore it. First up can you post a pic of the boat full...
In this country, (Australia) there have been quite a few line-haul trucks do a million miles(not K's) with those engines.Very high hours in them...
northwindi, if the engines have been rebuilt then leave them in and use them. If you are only going to be running slow then don't be disappointed...
Gary, what about "Flashman" nice and short and can be construed in several ways
Johny, in case you are interested, when Winstones opened up their sand yard at Mere Mere in about 1953-54 They brought a towing launch named...
johny, the "Alice" is still alive but is hauled out , I think, over at Tairua.Yes, she was brought over to the Waikato river in the early 1950's...