I read your post Joakim, and thought "obviously he's wrong, and if I examine the curves the reason why will become apparent". Except examining...
Sounds like a question for the software developers, not me. Presumably the software is capable of generating iso-surfaces for a given pressure...
Hydrostatic as you'd expect it to be defined, and dynamic for everything else. EDIT: Rest of post removed, see my post below with corrected image.
Mine. I don't have time to search right this minute, but it doesn't look like this is in chapter 8.9 of my copy. Chapter 9 somewhere?
EDIT: Post and image removed, see next page for corrected version. (or quotes below for the incorrect version)
Circulation is required in a single, infinite fluid to create a pressure differential between the top surface and the bottom. It isn't necessary...
Yes, my apologies, you're now going from wetted length to depth before Froude. Like I said, I haven't read everything - I skimmed through to find...
I didn't read your entire paper, but I notice it still uses wetted length to calculate Froude numbers, and still apparently claims Kutta–Joukowski...
Which part do you disagree with? Your Froude numbers cannot be compared directly with Faltinsen's Froude numbers - they don't use the same...
Safest just to assume the hull is drawn at level trim (for "semi-displacement" hulls at least), and that all trims are relative to that. To be...
I don't think anyone's arguing otherwise. The same isn't the case for a hull on the water surface. The Kutta condition becoming satisfied, and...
The paper had approximately static trim until hull speed, not necessarily zero trim. I can't say where a planing hull would sit if there were...
That exception of Sandhammaren was the reason for my post. I am/was not trying to establish or share a fact or point of data and then use that to...
As in the hull being pulled down by hydrodynamic flow. Sandhammaren05 continues to appear to believe that the Kutta condition being fulfilled and...
Please tell us which part of the pressure removed from a vertical transom, when it becomes dry, was previously aiding buoyancy. You can't seem...