My boat is a 24' catamaran, and it has a 7m / 23ft rotating mast. The mast is aluminum, and a section dimension is 120mm x 80mm. It rotates on a...
Precise conformance to section shape is not as much of a concern at this performance class I think; (otherwise different foil could have been used...
I haven't seen this before, so went to Google... trying to figure out if I'm "doomed". I'm fine with the part being not as long-lived as solid...
Thanks all! This is great advice. So fiberglass will definitely be adding quite a bit of strength, but I also see others choosing CF and putting...
I'm working on a new centreboard for my 24' catamaran. It's my forth lamination project, so I'm still very much learning. The plan is to use...
I had to build a pair of rudders for my 24' catamaran; I found a few posts out there with different ways to manufacture the foils, including...