Since the last time I visited this thread I have downloaded FreeShip and built the ship with that using the stringers and keel ofsets etc. It...
Hi, Sorry for not answering your post. I have not looked at this post for a long time. The answer to your question is that the bottom ply...
Picture of placement of fittings. Brian, Here is what I got from my friend in Australia. It is a rough sketch but it will help with almost...
It's been a while but the boat is coming along. Brian, I have been hard at work on both my mustang and boat. I have the hull bottom and sides...
Lofting Article Thanks cthippo, Printed the article and am reading it. So far so good. thanks, Mel
nyloftsman, Thanks for all that good info. My boat is a 3.5 meter sail boat, just a small boat. I have half the frames made according to the...
I tried Rhino, but it was too much for me at this time. I don't have the time to learn a completely new setup. Besides I'd never buy it anyway....
Bataan, I found his book "Boat building in your backyard..." on Amazon, I might get that. However I found Delfship and entered all my...
Bataan, Thanks, I'll think about that. Our library is not even open all week due to shortness of funds these days so that will probably not...
Bataan, Thanks for the info. I've found S.S.Rabl's book but they want $50.00 for it and I can't see inside of it to see if it is on my level,...
Thanks DCockey, For the book info, I'll check it out. Mel
Thanks, rwatson. I have AutoCadlt2011 but it does not seem to have such a function. I'll try the freeship and delftship s/w. Thanks Again Mel
Tado, Thanks for the great info, Mel
Hi, Does anyone know a good book to teach you lofting. I have the design for a 3.5 meter sail boat and need to do some lofting to be able to...