Philsweet hi, and thanks for replying. Sorry, I didn't describe it very well. Yes the motor mounting bolts currently pass through the spacers,...
Hello all. Thought I'd post this here as I've not had much of a reaction from my thread in the Powerboats section, and I'm sure some of you...
Thanks for taking the time to reply. The spacers are located easily as one end passes through a hole slightly larger than their diameter in the...
Hello all. When I built my boat up from a neglected hull a few years ago I found a really good deal on an XL shaft Suzuki DT200EFI. The transom...
OK, so I've managed to cobble together some images of what I'm doing using photos I took a while back, historic images I've collected through...
Thanks for the replies. The engine is a 1940’s British Motor Boat Co. Mariner 4.5HP Horizontally Opposed 2-stroke twin. The crankshaft is...
Hi There is no facility to transfer the thrust from the prop to anything other than the engine in the original design, so bearing in mind the...
The little project I'm working on at the moment involves a small inboard engine and shaft drive prop. I've never had the engine fitted to the...
I fully agree that in an ideal world this is the way to go, but I'd always add some sort of filler like loose strands to give the plug some...
I always add some sort of sealant to through-transom bolts, Sikaflex or similar. Nasher
Thanks PAR As mentioned it’s still strong at the moment. I withdraw the through-transom bolts that are holding the plate on once a year, inspect...
Thanks rasorinc. I'm currently using a 15mm thick Aluminium plate bolted to the transom to raise the engine as it's an XL shaft and the transom...