It's not viable to manufacture in Australia because of the high wage and overhead cost let alone shipping from one state to another, however I am...
I took these pictures a stone throws away from my beach front apartment in China and shows in the background, which they made a barge in a few...
I will do later as very busy also my gallery is out dated prototypes and a learning journey as there are 101 ways to skin a human.
Have you visioned on HOW COME YOU CAN NOT BUY A FOLDED BARGE thread the latest Myark folding amphibious self trailer barge that when empty floats...
If you need any info on the Queen Beetle its best to share communications on Multihull Structure Thoughts | Page 247 | Boat Design Net as that...
I have a feeling Skipper has had enough as from my 12 years living in China, to deliberately try and make someone lose face and mock them in front...
Messabout, you reply to Skipper starts by saying "I have lurked on the web site for many years." I thought its best to make you aware of your...
Hi Skipper The last thing you need is an aggressive rude naval architect advice that does not think outside the box as I experienced one in NZ...
Hi Skipper What part of China do you reside, as I am coming to China later this year to build watercraft inventions and maybe we meet. I...
Old Multi Wow thank you so much for all that research info as you are the very first on this boat design forum to make an effort on understanding...
The pictures are the Queen Beetles four jet unit casings fabricated and welded from scratch and me doing so. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] T[MEDIA]his the...
My late friend Bryan Jackson the designer of the Caracat late one night at his museum Bryan discussed to me about how Shark Cat paid for air...
The last time I visited the late Brian Jackson, his wife served us cups of tea and jam scones while we sat in the front cabin of his Caracat while...
The pictures are the four jet units on the queen Beattle been fabricated from scratch and me also standing Infront of the Queen beetle when it was...
This thread is "how come you cannot buy a folding trailable pontoon barge. The answer is you can. Pictured below is my latest design Myark folding...