Since Stirling (or steam) engines doesn't care what the source of heat is a wood furnace would be far more practical. Much smaller and works any...
An average size cruising sailboat say somewhere around 13 - 15 m generally have around 50 hp diesel. Maybe you could get away with 10 hp if...
I most likely will use epoxy plywood, it is just so much more friendly to low tech DIY project. Aluminium would make basic structure about 2 - 3X...
Found on Youtube pretty cool video about 25 kw solar Stirling system from 40 years ago. [MEDIA] Claimed efficiency 24% which is similar to good...
Interesting, does it mean nearly every performance cruising cat comes with severely undersized boards even Gunboats and Dazcats that claim no...
I still wonder how practical it would be. I looked few Stirling engine powered boat videos and they look like quite low power, maybe reaching...
I tried to search the internet and couldn't find any working examples of solar thermal boat. While a proof of concept model definitely would work...
Shallow water capability definitely is important. My design currently have draft of 0.55m at 8.8 ton displacement. I suppose with boards partially...
There are working examples of solar thermal powerplants out there so concept definately works, but I think there would be a ton of practical...
Yes the board boxes would be offset towards outside of hulls. I looked other performance cat Mumby 48 and it has only 1.8 m draft with boards...
That's the plan, put the board box as close to the chine as possible, and use the space behind for fresh water tank and possibly waste water tank...
I have sailed my 9.5 m cat against minikeel cats and I go upwind much better. My design goal was not to equal daggerboard boat, but to be...
That would definitely go fast in calm water. However unless they have some sort of super long legs in rough water all that extra horsepower would...
With all the stuff for about month long cruise and 3 - 5 people onboard I estimate total weight is about 1.8 - 2 tons. Empty boat with minimum...
I have thought about twin diesels like most big catamarans have, but they are heavy, expensive, take up space inside hulls, often have parts that...