Thanks NavalSArtichoke. I was badly in need of the book. Couldn't find any free (or commercial) source. :)
Thank you very much for your valuable information. I was referring to "MARAD Systematic Series of Full-Form Ship Models, 1987" which I found on a...
Thank you very much indeed!
Hello Everyone, Can anybody please help me on finding the following methodical series' published papers? Tylor SSPA NSMB NPL BSRA Twin...
Can anyone help me on how can I import the above mentioned criteria in Hydrmax? I'm using older version, 11.12. Thanks in advance
I am working on a catamaran project which is 18 meter long, 6 meter wide (Hull breadth is 2.00), draft is 0.8 meter. I have derived resistance...
Thanks a lot johneck :D Too much data from the B series table made me confused and you opened up my eyes. After your suggestion, I grabbed...
Hello Everyone, I found this forum very useful, so I can hope that members can give me some idea about this little problem I am having [of...