Thanks Sharpii, The general consensus is to take some percentage of the profile area. Do you have a reference for this? I am thinking of using th...
Hi, I have been looking through the text I have by Molland regarding rudder design and I can't find any way to estimate rudder area for...
Hi All, Please note this is a school assessment, not for a production vessel. I have been going in circles for a few days and do not know where...
I did think that, but figured it was worth a try.
Hi Valentin, Are you able to share the excel/MATLAB for the Mercier & Savitsky method? Mitch
Hi, I have been tasked with an "Advanced Manoeuvring Analysis" as part of a ship design course. It is a higher level course whereby the main aim...
Yeh ok, I thought that might be the case, I can create blocks. The line I am talking about is the longitudinal line that might be referred to as...
Hi, I have been using AUTOCAD 2018 to produce a basic GA. Is there an easy way to implement a frame line? I am not sure frame line is the right...
I will get the book, I have no real time interaction with my instructor, our only comms is email. Thanks for all your help guys, this forum has...
I am not studying in Maine, I am studying remotely whilst living in Maine. A half length is half the distance between two members? I have no...
This is the extant of my structures notes, there is a few cross-sections to show the different framing methodologies. [ATTACH]