And allot more cost for foam. The the thinner ply no cruising grounds will be Bahamas and Florida I'm going with a single fat head sail...
Thank you. Probably just go with the standard rig, Main self tacking jib and some head sails
Thanks, sounds like solid advice. Sompl is good
Thanks for the reply, I'm kinda back and forth on the rig. I think, I need not reinvent the wheel on this boat. So looking at the photos, how...
Thanks for the suggestions I like the bi also I think. It's not a pure performance rig, but as OldMulti said to me, top speed is not as...
What crickets??? Explain your points?
Thanks, care to elaborate on each ok and no? I was under the impression that a wharram rig is pretty easy sail once the learning is complete? A...
Quote BY {Oldmulti} GREAT POST BY HIM! "This is new variation of Bernd Kohler KD 860 catamaran. Bernd has designed an open bridge deck...
[ATTACH] Tried a little harder, better size
Sorry this is all i got
Thanks, I'm also read the bi rig is very easy to sail. With some built-in safety included over a high performance rig. I'm will go with that
I have decided after much time and research to build the KD 860 Open I have a few questions, for those with more sailing experience then I Rig...
If building this boat, what rig would you pick? The wishbone or the bi rig? I'm SERIOUSLY considering this build Use Live aboard in Florida...
Rodger that