Metal is also cheaper and more durable. Epoxy painted Steel pipe for hydraulic lines are common. Only the ends of short flexible hose links...
Yup...thats the defect when going must sail the boat light. As a result when going light you must choose the longest possible...
6 to 8 weeks.... a hose off with fresh water. And a gentle scrub to remove bird poop and dried up sardines...then a new coat of sealer Every two...
The reason to choose a heavy boat is load carring abilty. Each sailor must decide how much junk they need . Typically the coastal sailor has a...
Ive been using either Teak Wonder or Semco sealer for decades. They work fine. I dont know what thier secret ingredients are...its not oil. The...
Contact International or Awlgrip for paint schedule. Be aware that International has both consumer and professional paint systems. You will be...
Remove the old teak and all harware. Plug the hardware holes then sandblast the steel. Prime and buildup with epoxy primer. Once primed lay a... games .. Purchase USCG approved running lights and anchor light. The brightest you can afford. Regulations cover minimum light...
The problem with a heavy boat is the high loading all gear is subject to. To make way a heavy boat needs substantial sail area. Big overlapping...
I dont know your cylinder. Typicaly you use a C spanner or Pin spanner to remove the ends of a cylinder....
Coastal cruisers are different from ocean crossing boats. Coastal cruisers need good performance at all points of sail , particularly upwind,...
If you are tough enough you can cross in a rowboat. I dont recomend it. 40 footers are the common tool for normal folks. Even at 40 ft ,...
A few years ago, motoring in a flat calm off the Montenegrin coast , I came across a slick of cigarettes....thousands of cartons of marlboro red...
I dont know your particular ram , but they would be commonly used seals. Lip seal outside, O rings, piston seal and wear guides inside . The...
The ones coming out of the italian base in Albania looked like this O[img]temporary image hosting