Tell us more about your boat. Saving 45 pounds is a big deal on a small boat but does not amount to much on a larger one.
If the keelsons are for the purpose of protecting the bottom when grounding, then let them be sacrificial elements. Do not cover them with...
Tell us more about the intended purpose of the boat. Go fast, fishing, other...? What kind of power do you intend to use? What are the usual...
Over the long haul, boat building has not been the best place to invest your money or your facilities. That you want to learn more about design...
I am pleased that our administrator has not yet trashed the videos in this thread. In fact I am attracted to music that has a Spanish flair....
A drone will be faster, more maneuverable, not affected by rough water, and it will cost less than a RC boat that is reliable and seaworthy....
This has been done many times. The usual layout is a triangle with a pointed, not rounded top. Yes it works well enough. The luff of the main can...
More than a few paddle wheeler enthusiasts in this video. [MEDIA] If you are serious about this project, you might be able to contact some of...
There ain't no free lunch, especially in boats, Poseidon and those other gods of the sea forbid it.
Provide the designer with a list of requirements that you need for your boat., commonly called an SOR. Among the requirements might be ability...
You had it figured out all along. My apologies for doubting the facility of that clever design.
Laukejas, I think that you will need to move the pivot pin in the tiller before that last design will do what you intend. The pin in the tiller...
Depends on the leg length of the outboard that you intend to use. Legs come in several different lengths. Smaller engines usually, but not...
Tom the boat you are looking for, from a 1960s magazine, is surely going to be obsolete. The building methods were not the same or nearly as...
Helluva project, careful planning, careful construction, . .........But why? May the saints be with you.