Are you an alumni of the program or do you know someone who graduated from that program??
Hi all; I am interested about postgraduate studies on Naval Architecture. I am thinking about applying for EMSHIP.(
Hi; I am a mechanical engineering graduate and applying for postgraduate studies MSc. for next year. My current university options are;...
Hi; I'm a mechanical engineering graduate interested in naval architecture and ship design. I'm planing my postgraduate studies ( MSc or PHD)...
There are couple of good video tutorials on Vimeo. You can get basic idea of Maxsurf from that. Then manual can be used to further information....
distance between my demi hulls is 800mm. so i can fix anything smaller than that.
both systems use stavitsy method for planining resistance calculations. spread sheet does not sat anything about limitations. But my values are in...
Maxsurf gives the required power 250W. I thought it is more accurate than spread sheet since it is a commercial software. I have written to...
i have attached spread sheet and maxsurf data(in zip file) here. it gives 250W per hull. so i think total power requirement will be around 500W....
i used both savitsky spread sheet and maxsurf resistance. both gave me the same results. it's a single person craft. so i think results are...
I'm designing a hydro-bike. Currently i'm having troubles with selecting a propeller. My requirements are follows Hull type- planing catamaran...