Quick and rough clone made with TouchCAD 5 on a modern Mac M4. Say half an hour [ATTACH]
Do not work with Freeship so I don't know if it can be done there, but here is how I do it using TouchCAD. First of all, to print, you need to...
Just out of curiosity, how well does the room scan match the real room? I regularly use my iPhone Pro equipped with Lidar to scan, and on shapes...
It's on the way and it's awesome.
There are for sure way more CAD programs for Windows, but that does not mean that there is a shortage of programs for the Mac. Way more than...
TouchCAD can import tab based points exports from Excel and convert it into both curves and surfaces.
Building out of one sheet is actually fairly common in one way or another. Done it myself since the seventies. Many programs can unroll plates,...
TouchCAD only ( www.touchcad.com ). All described features are standard features in the program. Normally, I would say that I extract about...
In this case, it's an integrated standard feature in the program I use. The point is that it requires very little work beyond specifying a weight...
Not an easy task unless the design program used supplied such data for you. I get a full set of specs directly and with minimal effort,...
Speak later on today ;-) Claes
Everything you see in the picture was 100 % produced within TouchCAD without any plugins added. TouchCAD also come with generic versions for Mac...
The key question is whether you scanner software is able to extract a few relevant point instead of the millions of irrelevant points you get from...
Most print programs allow you to flip normals on surfaces. Check in your printing program. If you spin it a bit it becomes obvious where it goes...
As pointed out, the so called normals are partially inverted. Do you have a feature for reversing normals in your program? Most Solid modeling CAD...