Thanks, thats what I suspected, but its good to be reassured. Well written reply, thanks so much. Cody
I am calculating the number and size of keel bolts I will need for a boat i'm designing. What i'm wondering is if I use say 3/4in bronze and I...
Hi Everyone, It occured to me yesterday after years of looking at traditional teak decks, but more importantly teak veneer decks that I have...
I am going to be building a box section wood mast and boom soon, and am looking for resources on using epoxy and modern techniques. Does anyone...
Thanks a lot guys thats just what I needed!
I have been trying to find a rectangle mast chart online and have come up with nothing. Skenes has a chart for oval wood masts, but nothing for...
Thanks for the input guys. about the flex, it isn't very much, but if i stand on one foot in the bay it will flex maybe an 1/8". I just didn't...
I have recently been looking at a boat that a vague friend of mine has had enough of. Classic, started building it and now doesn't want to finish...
PAR, I recaulculated the sail area using the area of the fore triangle (to the end of the bowsprit) and came up with almost the same number, .8%...
PAR, Thanks for the suggestions, I think you, and others, are probably right in converting to a true skeg configuration. My CE is calculated...