Ok Tansl , now I try to do what you said, thanks for everything
Tansl In the first pdf file does not know exactly the draft, in the drawing is written that the volume is 423 cubic decimeter or about 432Kg to...
lines plan new boat
KMT = Ixx / V + KC To calculate KMT should know how to calculate Ixx + Kc (I'm pretty ignorant on the subject). The KMT of the boat that I drew...
I know how to behave this boat into the sea, I drew (modified) a new boat, I would like to be a little more stable of the boat in * .pdf . In...
I do not know calculate KMT, I control the KMT from DELFTship software report, but I know only change existing files and not draw a new boat.
I do not know calculate KMT, I control the KMT from DELFTship software report, but I know only change existing files and not draw a new boat
Hi Remmlinger I ask if you can help me solve this question http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/stability/kmt-rowboat-57243.html Thank you
Hi Remmlinger Grazie In between I wrote to Martijn DELFTship and I solved the problem. I selected in the project settings "actual dimensions of...
How to calculate the KMT (transverse metacentric Height) of this boat
I do not understand why the Cb value differs between Michlet and DELFTship.