defiantly the one on the left hahah
Yer that may have been a school boy error on my part as i have a " trendy boy" beard will have to shave that off :)
Hey guys thanks for the reply, I got a brown and white one today and gave it ago, now and again i got a slight smell of the resin, just a brief...
I have just found the email address for them and sent them an email, will see what the suggest as everyone else ive contacted that distribute them...
Thats mad that it managed to go through your PVA,, I too have also had this happen to me and it was down to using the wrong type of paint....
Thanks for the reply, so i should get the one above which is the brown and white one which says: "Gases and vapours from organic compounds with a...
Sorry if this the wrong place but i could not see where else to put it. Was wondering if i could have your expertise on choosing a mask as i...
i Guess i could buy a 1mm sheet of nylon which will melt at around 300 degrees and try and lay that on top of some uni weave and press and heat it...
Thanks for the help with it all, Bit lost about it all and well out of my depth. The boards they make are made up of thick layers of it and the...
Ah right im with you, when i was looking at the original board you could see the layers which were quite thick. so you can get different types of...
Only thing id be worried about is the processing pressure is 200 p.s.i which may be a problem, i can get the temp but not the pressure more than...
Sounds like a plan. The boards they make are weight specific and are flexi unless you buy really thick ones. But one has not been broken yet which...
I was reading up on their site and they can do it in different materials. I'd be inclined to go with mostly uniderectional if I could try this....
Are these guys more in the right direction? thanks?