We have crossed wires somewhere! Flotilla can estimate the sinkage and trim of thinnish hulls, but it definitely CANNOT calculate the...
Your useroff1.csv file has 15 entries where there is a space after the number and before the comma: e.g. 0.0000 , Remove those spaces and it works.
Adelaide has the most refined vandals in the world!
Flotilla calculates the trim and sinkage. It also calculates trimming moments and sinkage forces, but I'm not sure if I actually wrote those...
Close, but not quite, John. :) It was all getting too much like engineering for me and I wanted to pursue some mathematical problems for a...
It can give reasonable estimates of small transoms, but you're correct that the physics are poor for large transoms. Flotilla does a much...
Minor point: Tuck used slender body theory which is even simpler than Michell theory. The required equations end up as special functions that...
Here are a few references that you might find useful. There are many more in the bibliographies. Zilman, G., Miloh, T. and Doctors, L.J.,...
I think there is some uncertainty about the provenance of that quote " :P Horace Lamb was at Adelaide Uni for a few years, so I'm biased......
It's too long ago for me to remember the details of how it enters calculations of energy and temperature but it's certainly not simple! There...
It might well be a part of a system to automatically detect ships passing through remote locations, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the...
I very much doubt that there is anything sinister in it. "Real" pressure mine R&D wouldn't be a student project, and the researchers wouldn't...
My program "Michlet" allows you to calculate the sea-bed pressure made by a monohull or multihull vessel travelling at depth-based Froude...
That "one man, one guitar" schtick is so old now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh5V9pvLVoU
I expected that a Belgian of refined tastes would have mentioned Jacques Brel before. e.g. (Dans le port d')Amsterdam...