Approximately 10m long, 2.2m wide, 2m draft with lifting keel and rudder, 40m2 sail area and 850kg displacement. Should be a blast to sail and...
That was actually the reason why I started this project. I wanted to check out Rhino's programming interface. The end goal is to create panel...
The hydrostatics are calculated by analysing transverse sections. I'm using Rhino's built in analysis function only to calculate section areas and...
A new free version of the plug-in is available for download via the Food for Rhino link in the post above. The new version makes it possible to...
I would be careful using very thick keel sections. The viscous drag might be not much different to a thin section but it is possible that the wave...
To achieve laminar flow you will have to achieve three things: 1. The surface has to be smooth enough so that the small bumps do not create...
When I was looking for free engineering software I stumbled across CAELinux. It is a Linux distribution that...