The cartoonish drawings you saw were what we drew during the beginning Alzheimer’s phase when mom moved in with us. She had a weird long Covid...
You’re absolutely right there. Small boats on lakes. That’s it. Just brainstorming and posted a bad idea that’s too complex and detrimental to...
Posted awhile back about a grandbaby pirate ship design. Making a lot of design progress there. It occurred to me moments ago to attempt a...
The Indeavor reconstruction should give enough info for just about anyone to understand the old timey craft from the Iberian carracks and caravels...
I do like that plan sharpii. I did find this, in an effort to get lines and dimensions right. View of The Reconstruction of the Vessel...
That is exactly precisely what the doctor ordered. Trailerable, safe, in character, reasonable build time, and awesome. I am grateful for the...
The entire route between us and water (we live in a desert in western Texas) with the exception of getting in and out of neighborhoods is good...
Spent quite a bit of time on the Glen-L website. We’ve gotten plans off there before for much smaller projects. What you’ve said is BEAM. For...
Additional info: Texas specific. I believe you have to have a CDL to do all of this, but a load of 9’-11” or less flying OVERSIZE LOAD signs can...
I feel that to leave that there might invite some considerations that we may have already solved, so maybe a little more detail is in order. The...
Yes I have several sketches. You are almost certainly correct that there will likely only be three masts on a craft with this waterline length,...
Both of those appear to be good solid designs. The ideas my wife and I are toying with are really a LOT more freeboard, way taller and more...
This rings of wisdom, and usually when that happens I just need to take some time to truly try and get it. Thank you for the guidance in your...
Asking for a lead to a designer who specializes in plans for fiberglass foam sandwich construction on a pocket carrack design from the trailer up...