The portabrackets set your motor way back and have a ton of travel, good for no-tunnel boats, pair that with a Bob's nose cone and you could still...
I'd be tempted to keep the tunnel on that boat.
Good Idea. The land I bought is next to you, in Merritt, I will be moving there in about 3 months to start my build.
If you want ability to run shallow, continue the tunnel to the new transom and hang your outboard on a jackplate. But if you want pure speed, the...
If you don't buy a precut cnc kit, then CNC used in a Production workflow will have ALL your bulkheads cut, infused and primed in less than 2...
If you have a FREE location next to your home, you are at a big advantage. 10 years of rent and insurance would be a project killer but make sure...
if hauling weight, running skinny are important, then go with a flat hull. The one I built, shown, was amazingly stable because it had an almost...
The boat planes at a slower speed (this is a big benefit to me) - yes, the boat can stay up on plane at slower speeds, this is what I mean. If...
Besides all mentioned, very many skinny water flats boats have sponsons. Among other things they serve as a step for waders returning from...
Have you seen this one - launches in a few days they say....
A shareholder? Yes right that is what I am James, you found me out!! And your comment about weight is really off base, lightness is very often a...
Why not just look if you are interested, they aren't hiding anything. The whole flammability thing is covered. Want to ask them about...
This forum is becoming annoying. Why don't you just check it out if your interested and save your negative comments and bs commentary if not. WTF!!!
Well if anyone is interested they can learn more here Allite Inc | Introducing Super Magnesium | Lighter, Stronger, Better
28 pounds is lighter than my single hull kayak, fun project. Think I would make it wider and turn it into a standup paddlecat fishing craft ))