Thank you for your advice. I agree that it may be easy to apply by following the table provided in ISO12217, but I do want to understand the...
Thank you very much for such a detail explanation. It really opens my mind. Let me elaborate your idea in my way, and please correct me if I am...
I am talking about the recess opening on side shell of a small boat with recess. Opening like freeing ports of bulwark of ocean going vessel serve...
Regarding downflooding opening in ISO12217-1, the following is defined, 3.2 Downflooding 3.2.1 downflooding opening opening in the hull or deck...
Thank you very much. This is absolutely what I want to clarify in concept in order to make sure my job can be done correctly. In the meantime,...
Again, we share the same view on this point. But why IS code was written in such a strange way? we both agree that the downflooding points are so...
Thanks,TANSL. I share the same view with you that downfloodng points should be considered even in Sea-going pontoon case, if there is any cargo...
Thanks for your reply. Do you mean all of the ventilations on a sea going pontoon should be fitted with "self closing vent head"? In the...
I am evaluating the Intact stability of a passenger vessel and a pontoon according to IS Code 2008 respectively, by using Autohydro. I set the...