You can build a generator enclosure t[ quiet them, but also adding a quality quiet muffler, or even two mufflers helps. [MEDIA]
That too, but also for accountability if the boat is abandoned. Especially so for motored vehicles as they can pollute the water.
Scholars have suggested that the rowers from those days were not slaves. My intention was simply looking at ideas of bows, not to make a rowboat.
Man, how that cat still capsized even with warps out is scary.
Not really sure of what the modus ponens of your argument is. Are you claiming that drawing a boat hull with a pencil is more structurally sound...
Alternatively, can you find a single case of hull design software causing a failure to the hull in its recommended operating scenarios?
Boat design 3d had made 195,000 boats as of 2019. I see no evidence of design software being the cause of any ship fail. Unchecked fatigue,...
Secondly, I don't have a half a million to buy a new boat. Thanks for your input, I think....
Racing multihulls pitchpole capsize all the time. When having a shaper bow, pitchpoling becomes more possible. I don't think it's old school...
There is a guy on YouTube that made a solar powered house boat from an abandoned 40'cat for about 45k. He's also pretty much trapped to a...
I search things alot and it seems for sailboating, things are very hard to find. How do warps and drogues, fair on trimarans and their...
Thanks for the mylar. I searched it for an hour and there were no sources on what transparent sails were made of. Looks like it has a short...
Could probably make something decent with a trilo and a junk rig but it's not gonna be as much interior room as a houseboat. Going too high is...
Ahead of your time.