What PAR said. And when you lay that glass on the dressed/scarfed cracks, you must pay attention to the fiber orientation; the fabric should be on...
180 YEARS OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 GAS ANALYSIS BY CHEMICAL METHODS Ernst-Georg Beck Dipl. Biol. Ernst-Georg Beck, 31 Rue du Giessen, F-68600...
Let's say for the sake of argument it REALLY IS a problem. The signature studies don't find that the atmosphere contains that amount of fossil...
The equilibrium concentration concept also disproves the AGW assertion that "all or nearly all" recent CO2 rise is due to fossil fuel emissions,...
I get it. The oceans pH does change a little bit. It always has. It oscillates between certain values but never goes beyond them. The AGW...
Got it. Jimbo
This same study came up in the big thread and was debunked for the following reasons: Nobody says the ratio isn't moving; I fully acknowledge...
From another big thread a few years back: September 16, 2009 at 1:14 pm ยท Reply Rod, I would direct your attention to the work of Prof....
The 26 Gt is a complete fabrication. Been debunked several times. It came up in the 'Big Thread' and I cooked it then so it is but a zombie now....
Every feedback system has hysteresis. Governors have droop. The changes that have occurred that we are talking about are minuscule. What the...
Ok, then define 'excess' as any amount added in excess of the present equilibrium state. The alarmist think this 'extra' CO2 just sits there...
Why should I be required to define excess??????????? I don't beieve that ANY amount of CO2 is excess as the natural world is full of interactive...
Do you think the world began with the industrial revolution? Do you not know that in the past (tens of thousands of years ago) ocean pH was...
If variations of longer timescales are "irrelevant" then of what relevance is the anthropogenic contribution? This is complete pretzel logic! The...
The desirability or undesirability of a climate continues to be totally irrelevant to the discussion. Again. Still. If you're going to bring it...