It's old topic, nobody ever replied. Let me be the first. I have the same questions about quality of work. I think it's better to be save than...
I forgot to mention, I use epoxy wich should be used untill 70% humidity. LLoyd aprroved good stuff, super strong. (I think I am not the only...
I have been glueing with epoxy for some months now, no problem untill a few days ago. The dry season is almost over, humidity is 50 to 60 only...
You people deliver priceless info, where would I be without internet. @ Messabout: that could be my next question, if I still dared to ask. Very...
Perfect Peter, very good info indeed. This is really helping. I can move on with the project
I have planned use aerosil with the glue -after priming with only epoxy- what mix should I use for this job?
Thanks Michael You do understand, should I make perfect joint.
[IMG] I need help,as you can glue joints only once, better do it good is the idea. The picture shows what I am about to do: bevelled single...
This is for you Peter..... Empire: Migrants teaser 1 "Gold Rush" What the real joke is, where in the US everybody own a gun, in Surinam...
No Spang Sranan (relaxed Suriname) Surinam is relaxed country with bad politicians. Very multicultural without any real problems related to...
it´s a bird I see El_Guero has posted pictures in the meantime, here is info about drafts
Here maybe somebody can help me, I am in doubt again. I am in the subtropics, with average 85% rel. humidity. (32/24 Celsius) Would the epoxy...
Anyway, some of the epoxy has arrived from a long journey over the Atlantic. Time to do my first cuts in the marine ply´s Murpy´s Law is clear...