- Last Activity:
- Nov 1, 2017
- Joined:
- Nov 23, 2008
- Messages:
- 29
- Likes Received:
- 2
- Trophy Points:
- 3
- Legacy Rep:
- 19
- Home Page:
- http://www.innerbayboats.com
- Location:
- Southern Ontario Canada
- Occupation:
- Teacher and boatbuilder
Junior Member from Southern Ontario Canada
- JFH was last seen:
- Nov 1, 2017
- Home Page:
- http://www.innerbayboats.com
- Location:
- Southern Ontario Canada
- Occupation:
- Teacher and boatbuilder
- Current Boats:
1964 Folkboat renovation
1947 Garwood
1964 Chris Craft Corinthian
New 16' Double-ended sailboat
B.A., B.Phed, B.Ed.
Building boats since 1988.
Teacher of Art
In the boatbuilding business
Wrestling Coach
Play guitarInteract
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