yes , i do , but who cares about how old a thread is if it is useful information, just like einsteins theory of relativity is over 50 years old...
boat cap removal i would remove old cap and do it like your are talking i have done it on an 18 ranger and a 20ft ski boat,,,,,,,,made flats boat...
yes pwillie, any those are fine, but i feel rustoleum is far superior to the small mom and pop paint brands, like those, rustoleum is a very large...
how old is your aquasport? if its just dull with no major gouges to the fiberglass, all around , then no need to paint start sanding with as low...
also most , but not all , titantium if mined from uzbekestan, whose government consist of warlords, and some russian control, that also helps to...
ANY online sources? unless they are in bham ala, i would need to order them, im still nearly 45 min from downtown bham, thanks, any help would be...
where is the cheapest place to buy it in bulk 10lb minimum,thanks , tried to search it , if already answered , please post link to thread...