A few weeks back I sanded my sea-hood that has KiwiGrip on it with 80 grit and gave it a good scrubbing. I then painted it with Interlux...
Or can I paint over the sanded Kiwigrip with Interlux Interdeck?
About 5 years ago I did my nonskid on my J 29 with Kiwigrip. Last year about this time I took an extra sea hood mixed in 2 tablespoons of...
We race under PHRF, I wonder what perforce gains would be accomplished? I understand why it was done on days where we round up going down wind on...
We have a old IOR boat at our club a J 34 and it got noticed it has a deeper rudder then OEM. It has been measured and 7 inches has been added to...
All will be taken care of.
If he has to paint the whole panel that means the whole deck on a J 29 there is no break in the non skid and were talking about both chain...
Holes for chain plate J 29 Guy
I just happen to have some of the toe rail T Track from a J 29 I cut up with my Saw Zaw. So I used some soft scrub cleaned it up some and then...
I found this place and it might just be what I am looking for. http://www.everbritecoatings.com/aluminum.htm C-Rock
You have to remember that it is really T Track and that it is 30 years of sun baked and weathered. C-Rock
Was wondering if I would get that answer I really did not want to take it off, I have done it and it is a pain. C-Rock