It is a mono.
An underdog of yachting world shaped like a brick and named Hoghfish Maximus fared quite well in ocean gales. The combination of high freeboard,...
In so many ways, I will let someone knowledge chime in for more info. As much as I know low volume or pointy sterns (Wharram) are more prone to...
Check catamarans by Bernd Kohler, very simple but clever designs.
There is a daggerboard in the ama. I have posted a few youtube links in the post above, you be the judge.
Here are some videos od Madness in action: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Nice to hear the first hand account! Have you got any photos of your proa? Proas should definitely stay as a development class as it could...
Yes, it was Mbuli. The first one built entered EC but dropped out soon after it bent both rudders hitting submerged objects.
As the proa sailors say, proa can be "parked" mid shunt (outrigger to windward) quite safely, zero stress. Doing it in narrow channel wind over...
There is a tradeoff, dagger rudders are exposed, not ultra-shoal draft friendly and hard to build, their trunks have to be built strong an sealed...
Buy Madness study plans from Chesapeake light craft, there you will find detailed drawings of dahgger rudders.
I would be tempted to go medeival on proa, dipping lug, max 2 chines per side, everything lashed up. The challenges are as usual with this type...
Russel Brown's and Dick Newick's boats are the only proas with serious ocean miles below their keels, none has circumnavigated AFAIK. If you...
Great article, thanks! I know about Calico Jack, just bought Boat Design Quarteerly No.12 yesterday to read more about it. There is also nice...
Beautiful.. Was it yours? How was it ballasted?