Thanks Upchurchmr: Where do I find Prepreg epoxy Nad will it work to wet out the glass cloth?
can anyone help with a suggestion for a type of epoxy or polymer to wet out fiberglass to fabricate an exhaust fitting for a 4" wet exhaust. There...
can anyone help with a suggestion for a type of epoxy or polymer to wet out fiberglass to fabricate an exhaust fitting for a 4" wet exhaust....
inside a poorly heated barn.
Hi everyone: Any tips on an additive or techniques for applying epifnes varnish to bare wood in 35 to 50 deg. cold environment?
thanks guys: I never heard of Coelan. I will check it out. As far as the construction it is 1/4 in marine ply over the frames topsides then...
Thanks Pauloman. this sounds a bit like what I did 12 years ago when I first did the boat. but I'm told I need to seal the wood before staining...
Thanks Pauloman but the Epifanes rep told me that putting their two part coating over their one part varnish will not work - the 2 part solvent...
Thanks Par: That's pretty much what I thought. I wonder if the Awlwood is stronger or will hold up to UV, scuffing, swelling/shrinking, of the...
I've wooded the entire 30 footer ready to refinish bright. What's the best product. I've heard the yards around NY will use Algrip clear unless...
Thanks again: I was planning to do this with wood flour from the boat. Witmtan suggests exactly the same thing. In fact there are other wide...