Attached are scans of IMP brochures from the era. Sorry I couldn't get them to load in landscape. Right click the PDF after download and select...
Added the rest of the picture to the previous post.
Looking at my old IMP brochure it is a 20 ft. AZTEC Deep-V Stern Drive 20' foot Walk Through Cruiser. Don't know where the battery was. On my...
In my Cherokee those motor mounts screw into the wooden beams (stringers) that are glassed over. From the picture it looks like water got down...
I have brochures for all of the 1969 IMP's but do not have that one in my catalog. That boat is not included in my brochures. In the early 70's...
I've got orginal brochures from IMP for 1969 and 1971 with price lists. If anyone is interested I will scan them and post them. The Pawnee list...
I just came across this site by accident. I have owned this IMP Cherokee since 1969. I ordered this boat from the Factory. I wanted it solid...